I have a wonderful friend who is serving in Nigeria right now. She is amazing and courageous and I look up to her so much! In one of her communications home, she wrote this, and I must say I feel exactly the same way...
"I admitted to the bishop last night that Africa makes my cheeks hurt. He asked, "Baby, why does Africa make your cheeks hurt?" I answered, "Because from the time I wake up, until the time I lay down Africa keeps a big smile on my face." That is not only a true conversation, which made him laugh quite jovially, but it is true that my cheeks do ache from the smile Africa and of course the Lord keep between my ears."
Tanzania absolutely keeps a smile between my ears. When I am there, I cannot stop smiling and when I am here at home, thinking of there, I am smiling still. I have the joy of the Lord in my soul and a great love for Ntagacha in my heart.
This summer, will be no exception. I am have once again been presented with the opportunity to return the land I love...I cannot even express how excited I am. I will be leaving on June 27 and returning in early August. While there, I hope to be assisting some nurse practitioners and the Tumaini Medical Center that has opened this spring. I will also be helping with some of the summer teams, and of course spending time with my beloved friends there. There has not been a day since I have been home that I have not thought about Ntagacha.
I believe that God put this love in my heart for a reason, and I am following His lead! I know that this is what I was made for, and I am so excited to find out more. If you are interested in finding out more about my trip, the City of Hope, or how you can help please contact me at monicajoy8@hotmail.com!
They say absence makes the heart grow fonder, and in this case, I cannot even tell you how true that is. When I think and returning my heart jumps for joy...and my cheeks hurt. I cannot wait to give a huge hug to each and everyone of the those children and to be a help in the hospital that I have been dreaming about for months. When people ask why I am so desperate to return I can truly tell them... "because from the time I wake up to the time I go to sleep, I cannot wipe off this smile that Africa has put on my face!"