With Father’s day just around the corner, and Mother’s day just passed, I am once again reminded of how blessed I am. My parents are so much more than just providers; they are my encouragers, my prayer warriors, and friends. They are my shoulder to lean on and, when needed, my push in the right direction
My mother serves with an open, loving heart, and my father has given me a beautiful glimpse at the Father. He is an example of what fatherhood should be. They are my heroes, and I would not be who I am without them.
But as I think of my wonderful parents, I think of those who are parentless and this Father’s Day I am reminded of why I am returning to Tanzania. I am reminded of my beautiful little friends at the City of Hope, who have grown up without a father, without someone rooting for them and molding them into the men and women they need to be. I think of the heartbreaking stories I have heard about how sickness and violence have torn these beautiful families apart.
Their circumstances bring me great heartache, but in this I a reminded of something else. I am reminded that they are not fatherless, that are provided for by the greatest Father of all; One that is never selfish, never distracted, never provoked. There is no comparison to the great and mighty Father of us all. He has not given up on these children, for He has numbered their steps. He has not forgotten them, for He has numbered the hairs on their head. He is not to busy for them, for He has said, "let the children come unto me." Yes, He is great, this Father of us all.
This Father’s Day let us be thankful for our earthly fathers that have helped shape us into who we are, and think too of the City of Hope and the children that have been introduced to a Father that will never fail. Think of me too, as I head out in search of new adventure, new friends and new ways to serve. And let us all give thanks to the Heavenly Father, the beautiful Creator of all.