I remember it very clearly, that night just 3 years ago when everything changed. It was the most beautiful time in Denver. The snow was quietly falling on the land, Christmas decorations where hung and excitement was thick in the air. In just a week would be headed on the adventure of a lifetime- Argentina here we come. Little did we know, the adventure was closer than we thought.
As the Christmas party activities wrapped up and everyone went in their separate ways, I stepped outside in the beautiful snow to talk to my Father. I was excited for the things to come, but still figuring out where I was headed. I remember very clearly being in awe of the peace of that night. It was so quiet as the world was blanketed in a covering of white. As midnight was nearing, I had a very clear feeling that it was time to go inside, I didn’t think much of it, I just went.
As I crawled into my bed talking to my roommates about the activities of the day and the things yet to come, we heard the sound that would shatter our worlds. Gun shots. No one knew what was happening, two people ran into our rooms saying someone had been shot, that we should hide and wait. It seemed as if the whole world was swirling around us, seconds felt like hours, I had never been so scared. I remember Rosie and I sitting in her bed crying out to God for help. Police sirens has never been so comforting before. The rest of the night is somewhat a blur to me. I remember grabbing coats and slippers and being escorted downstairs by the police. I can’t remember how long it took. I remember sitting in the foyer and being so relieved as I saw the faces of the people I knew and loved, still with us. We all knew, though, that some people were missing.
I remember being taken to the police station and feeling so tired, so weary, so scared. We each talked to the police and then sat quietly and waited. For what, we did not know. I napped on and off and finally was able to talk to my parents. They were so relieved to hear that I was ok.
And then I remember a moment that will be in my head forever. We were all brought together and were told what had really happened. A gunman had come in and had shot four staff members…Tiff and Phil were with Jesus already that night. Tears felt so hot as they rushed down my cold cheeks. We cried and cried and hugged one another, not knowing how we could go on from there. Just that afternoon I had sat in my room with Tiff talking about ice skating and what she would wear for the party that night. Now it was just a memory.
The rest of the story as also somewhat fuzzy in my mind. We were so exhausted, traumatized and scared. I remember when we found out that the gunman would no longer be a threat. I remember returning to the base and going into the hall were our friends had been shot. We sang out to God at the top of our lungs “the enemy has been defeated, death couldn’t hold You down.”
More than anything, I remember everyone talking about how all Tiff wanted was to change the world by loving people. She did just that you know. Her life ended far too early, but she has been inspiring people everyday. From that day on, I knew I was kept for a purpose. I was sitting outside alone that night. It could have been me. It could have been any of us. But we are still here. I love Tiff’s motto. So simple, but so profound. That night, though sad, and if I could I would undo it, has given me a reason to live. A reason to go out and change the world. I’m carrying on your legacy, Tiff. I’m changing the world by loving people. I think you would be so proud.
Shout Unto God- Hillsong United
The enemy has been defeated
And death couldn't hold You down
We're gonna lift our voice in victory
We're gonna make Your praises loud
Shout unto God with a voice of triumph
Shout unto God with a voice of praise
Shout unto God with a voice of triumph
We lift Your name up
We lift Your name up