Here we are again. A new year, full of new possibilities, new prospects, new dreams! I have to say that even though I LOVE Christmas, January is actually one of my favorite months of the year. It's a time to clean up, reflect and start again. What an opportunity we have every year! January always makes me think of motivation, goals and changes...love it!
I have high hopes for 2012, and as good as 2011 was, it may be hard to beat. Graduated from college, passed my boards, got married, moved to VA, started my first nursing job...whoa! But 2012...it's going to be even better!
I have quite a few goals in mind for this year: pay off college loans, become an RNII (my hospitals clinical ladder), become chemo certified, start pursuing my BSN. On a lighter note I also plan on becoming a great cook and having a potted herb garden this summer that I WILL remember to water :)
Though going from being a student to not was quite an adjustment (I didn't get off a month for Christmas...instead I had to work Christmas Day :)I really like the adult life. This January seems especially pleasant. I knew exactly what I was in for. I didn't have new classes, new clinical rotations or new instructors to get used to. In fact nothing really changed at all. It's kind of nice to have that. I knew that when I went into work that it would be exactly like it had been the day and week before. Not that my job is monotonous...it isn't AT ALL. But I'm getting into my groove and most of the time, I know what to expect. There are still some days like last Friday that I wonder what on earth I got myself into...but for the most part I've got my routine and I go about it quite well! I love my job, love being an oncology nurse and love the hospital I work for! Couldn't be more blessed!
One goal that I am really excited about this year is to collect experiences. So often I spend my money buying things, clothes etc, but the newness wears off and to the back of the closets they go, what I want to do instead is collect experiences. I've had quite a few amazing experiences in my life, but they are not enough! I want more. I want to explore every inch of my town and then beyond. I want to try foods I've never tried, go to plays I have never seen, and meet people I never thought I would! These are the types of things you remember when you're 80, not that beautiful red sweater that you wore twice!
I also have in mind to really experience each day. I have my husband to thank for this idea. The last 4 days I have been laying around the house feeling sick. I have a sore throat, cough and headache that I just can't kick! Let's just say that me, mint tea, and Grey's Anatomy have become close friends over the last few days. Today I was telling Mwita about all of the things that I wanted to do, but just don't have the energy to do. He looked at me and told me just to be thankful for these days to read, watch Netflix and just relax. The cleaning, organizing etc will be here when I feel better, but for now just enjoy your day. He is so right! Each day is something to be enjoyed! So often my works days fly by and once again I am laying my head on the pillow or like these past few days I have been sitting here feeling sorry for myself instead of enjoying the time to just sit, think, and rest. I really want to be cognizant of this, because as fast as my life is going these days, I don't want it to pass me by!
So here's to 2012. To all the joys, adventures, blessings and excitement it may hold! Can't wait to see what's in store. New nephew, working hard as I can, trip to TZ to visit friends, and more! I'm ready, are you!?!?!?