Here I sit again, on the brink of a brand new semester. All of my things are neatly situated back into my room after Christmas break. My candle is burning, music is playing and I am gearing up for my math test at 7 am tomorrow morning. I feel like I have been here a thousand times before. Excited for what is to come, but still holding on to what I left behind. Christmas went to quickly, and my precious time with Mwita disappeared. Tomorrow, though, holds my last first day at Lancaster General. I am excited and nervous and everything in between.
Over break I have been thinking a lot of the upcoming year. This year marks the beginning of my true adulthood. I will become not only an RN, but a wife. I will begin a new career, move to a new state and start my life as a married woman. That is AMAZING and kind of scary at the same time. I'm ready to grasp the future, but nervous to let go of the past. Sitting in marriage counseling with Vish the other day, though, I was given a new perspective. He said that a friend once told him to think of Tarzan. When he is swinging through the forest he has to let go of the vine he came from and latch onto the one ahead. If he holds on to both...he will be stuck. Swinging in limbo...waiting. If I do not let go of the past, I will not be able to move ahead into what the future holds for me. This semester I am going to keep on swinging and anticipate what is ahead.
I also watched Eat, Pray, Love over break and absolutely loved it. Though she does not line up with me theologically and really not even morally, I loved some of the ideas in the movie. One of the greatest things I learned from it was how to truly live. I don't want to waste a moment, don't want to waste a day. Don't want a single second to pass me by that I don't truly live. I want to squeeze every experience I can out of each day and quit wishing my life away. I bide the time or press through the days instead of thanking the Lord for every breath and every moment of every day. I want to live to the fullness that I have been created to live! How fun, exciting, wonderful, and new each day will be if I begin with that attitude!!!
May this year bring success, sweetness, joy, love, peace, excitement, and newness... and may I NOT MISS ONE SINGLE BIT!!!
well written and inspirational!
"If I do not let go of the past, I will not be able to move ahead into what the future holds for me."
So true! I think it's human nature to want to hold on to what is familiar.
Love the Tarzan metaphor... I shall remember that!
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